Ed Fladung: Kind Lines Late (late) entry
Quality Peoples’ very own Ed Fladung will be contributing one of his fine photos.
Quality Peoples’ very own Ed Fladung will be contributing one of his fine photos.
I have a big stack of fins waiting to be glassed. These are templated for Probox.
These keels fins are fresh from Pop. I foiled them yesterday.
I handed this Keel fish off last night.
6 KindLines pieces have been sent back so far. 18 more on the way.
I mixed up 2 parts plum, 1 part eggplant and found this beautiful color.
Ready for the water. The fin order is coming in the mail any day….
Drift contributor, Ed Fladung, hit me up for an interview. -Read Here driftsurfing.com Drift Surfing continues and expands upon the work of a modest British magazine started about five years ago. Now exclusively online, the independent North American Edition is an open venue for shared creative output, focusing on what’s happening both in and out of the water. We seek out the perspectives of innovators, instigators, inventors and icons in hopes of gaining a broader perspective on the continually changing culture surrounding surfing. Drift is by, for and about the artists, filmmakers, shapers, activists, musicians, organizers, appreciators and experts looking for something different in today’s surf media.
I finally finished up a long overdue update. Check it out MalwitzSurfboards.com