All posts in: Sanded

Will from Fishtown (Philly) and his Arc Tail Sim.

“Took a half day off yesterday and hit LBI with the new board. As you know, I was a bit hesitant to step down so much in length from my usual fish hybrid boards but she paddled and rode great! I’m thrilled with it and can’t wait for the next session to get even better acquainted with the new shape. Great job, thanks a ton!!” – Will  

7’2 Pinched Nose Egg for Andrew.

Hey look! A clear white board! No way! Andrew asked for something easy to paddle, catch waves, duck dive, but still be able to throw it around in waves. We narrowed down to a 2+1 Egg base with a pulled in nose and a tad extra rocker for steeper drops. I handed it off to him last Saturday and he was psyched! It was great to meet you Andrew. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!!