All posts in: Resin Tint

Paul’s Egg

This egg was worked out for Paul. EPS / Epoxy, blended tints, and sanded finish. We met on the ever so lovely NJ Turnpike for a drop off on a recent NYC drop. Thanks Paul!

7’2 Egg For Aaron

Avery came to me for a gift for her fiance Aaron. We got him in the loop to find exactly what he wanted. All narrowed down to a wave friendly egg with some rich color. Thanks and congrats Avery and Aaron!

7′ Asymm Fish for Ari

Ari, from Rhode Island and goofy footed, came to me for an asymmetrical fish for the nice right handers they have up there. He told me to just have fun. His two requirements were lots of volume and super bright colors. We came to a 7′ asymm long quad/keel fish and an all resin tint coloring that flows nicely with the shape. Shaper’s note: When doing asymm boards be sure to rememeber if rider is goofy or regular. I got half way through shaping and realized I was making it regular footed. So if anyone (regular footed) is interested, I have another one of these ready to glass. Thanks Ari!      

7′ Egg for Adam

“Dude, that board is amazing. Thank you so much man” I’ve known and worked with Adam for a few years. After all those years of talking about it, he finally ordered a board. Good work Adam! Go get some waves!

Willy And His Simmons.

“I’m in love with it! It’s the most beautiful  surfboard I’ve ever had!” – Willy Willy was surprised with a custom board for his birthday. A group of his friends let him work with me to make something he really wanted. We narrowed down to a Quad Simmons and this wonderful color combination.  After he picked it up, Willy sent me a ton of photos. He seems pretty happy to me and so does the board (See last photo). Thanks Willy it was a pleasure! You’ve got a great group of friends.

6′ Quad Fish For Justin

Word of mouth is the best free advertising. This order was a referral from a previous board. 6′ Quad Fish with a seafoam teal resin tint and gloss glassing. Thanks Justin!