All posts by: admin


A recent glassing session photo by DP. He’s killin it with color in his photography. Check him out.


*Update May 18, 2009- ALL FUNDRAISING EFFORTS ARE BEING COORDINATED BY MATT MCCLAIN OF SURFRIDER FOUNDATION at Please take a moment and help support a living legend and true pioneer of surf photography. He’s fallen on hard times and needs help. From Legendary Surfers Leroy “GRANNY” Grannis – Of Hermosa Beach & Carlsbad California – Famous For His Surfing Photos – Is living on Social Security & Government Assistance from MediCal!To my way of thinking, this is criminal.His substantial life’s earnings have been eaten up by executors, and others, Renee Linton and Lars Isaacson are two of those who are involved. Granny no longer can afford to stay in the assisted living home he has been living in… Read his life story on Legendary Surfers. It’s well worth the read.

025_M.Campbell (Surfrider Board)

Here’s the outline for the long overdue Surfrider Fundraiser board. I’ll be shaping and glassing it over the next couple weeks. 7’3” super mini log. It’s been way too long….can’t wait to start using my new space.


Shape Your Own Board sessions available starting in May! All you NYC surfers out there in tiny apartments, here’s your chance to finally shape and ride a board of your own, all for less money than a new board off the rack. You shape it (with a little help from me), and I’ll glass it. Contact me for info and rates. Space is limited so check the calendar for availabilty and sign up soon!

The Move.

With the help of my wife and a couple friends (ArtHead and DP), I moved into my new space. A couple late nights and it’ll be setup. Blanks fit nicely in the freight elevator.

Kindlines – Ready To Ship.

The past couple months (seems like endless hours of work), I’ve put boards on hold to make these. It’s a quick preview of the next fundrasier. All these will be painted by a group of amazing artists from across the US. Right now, I’m looking for a gallery to host the show in NYC. Please let me know if you have any ideas. More info to come. Sign up for the mailing list. ->

New Shaping Bay in BK

I’m moving my shaping/glassing room into a commerical space here in Brooklyn where I can run a planer into the wee hours. Once I’m setup and running again, I’ll be renting out shaping time. The deal is you shape (with help if needed) and I’ll glass. All for less $ than a new board off the rack. I’m trying to keep this dream of mine alive while spreading some stoke around NYC. So for all you NYC surfers out there in your tiny apartments, here’s your chance to finally shape/ride a board of your own. Shoot me an email for info and scheduling….

Feature by Probox

I’ve been using Probox boxes and fins exclusively for a couple years now. The ease of installation and versatility, plus the amazing quality of their hand made fins make it a no brainer for me. And being able to get Larry on the phone for help or advice puts them at another level for customer service. Robin and Larry have been watching my progress and asked to feature one of my boards on their site. I’m completely humbled. Check it out.