All posts by: admin

Rockaway Taco…

is opening this weekend. Andrew just dropped off a deposit for a custom keel fish. I’m Pysched. Go check him out!


The first SYOB is going down this Saturday. I’ve been working out the shape and we’ve figured it out. A nice beefy 6’5” quad shortboard. It will end up with a shallow swallow tail. It’ll be plenty of fun and a great learning experience. Can’t wait.


Here’s the Surfrider Raffle board shaped. 7’3” Mini Tanker. This is my first time shaping PU (and first board shaped in my new studio). It’s so smooth. Really showed me how much more work goes into shaping EPS foam. More picts in the Flickr set, all shot with a shiny new Nikon D90. It shoots amazing photos effortlessly.