All posts by: admin
031_Fins Foiled
Ready for glass.
031_Glass Bottom
Epoxy glassing in the winter is not fun and very stressful but it’s nice to see how the resin brings out the wood’s color and texture.
The shape is done and ready for glass.
031_Tail Block
I decided to go with a solid cork tail block. There will be a strip of poplar as the final layer.
031_Fin Blanks
Fins blank specials from Pop. Soon to be foiled.
Decking is set and the rails are ready for glue.
This one is headed to Venice Beach, CA to French Artist and my ex-dawn patrol buddy Ugo Nonis. It is a fat version of a quad fish. Ugo wanted to try shaping, so before he moved west, he came in and gave me a hand in shaping this one. I’m pretty sure it will take about 1/4 of a paddle to catch waves on this thing. From what I hear, it will soon be an original Nonis art piece. I can’t wait to see it.
Stylish deck glue up.
Stylish deck glue up.