All posts by: admin

Taco Fish Travels To Bali.

Just got word from the Taco Fish. It’s had a nice long visit in Hawaii after 7 weeks in Mexico. And now, it’s headed to Bali for a month. I’m starting to really despise this board. If I’m nice, maybe it’ll let me go along on it’s next trip. I’m patiently waiting on photos……


I shaped a 7’10 Egg this morning while listening to the likes of Billie Holiday and Ella Fitagerald. It was a very calming experience and the board turned out looking very fun.


This mini log was mighty fun to shape. It has plenty of nose concave for the nose rides along with a rolled V and hard edge tail to dig in turns.

Ugo Nonis Board

This is Ugo’s finished piece from the board we made a while back. He tells me it will be for sale at gallery soon. So keep an eye out. You can view Ugo’s work at

Taco Fish Travels

I’ve been getting updates from the Taco Fish. It spent 7 weeks surfing the west coast of mainland Mexico. Now it’s setup camp in Hawaii for a month or so. I feel horribly landlocked right now, but this line from today’s email chat is making things feel much better…”The board rips in Hawaii”.


SYOB (Shape Your Own Board) is back! This is Matthew. He came in today and we shaped this 7’10 Egg. He came out with a great new board that he hand shaped while I walked him through the process (and helped here and there). I’m still working out the kinks (if you know a good liability insurance agent, please let me know!!) but once I do, I hope to make SYOB a regular thing. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get you on the info list.


Hollow wood board #2 is finished. This quad was made for smooth rides and easy paddling. It’s headed to Corpus Cristi, Texas and I’m especially sad to see it go. These boards take 3x the amount of work than a foam board but are very fun to build. Check out the build photo set here. I’m looking to make #3. Any takers, please let me know. These are very expensive boards to buy that I’m selling very cheap. I’m slowly raising my prices as I make more.