All posts by: admin

Saturdays Color

We’ve been working hard on color mixing and spraying. This is one of four boards in the works along with a screen for the custom logo inlay.

Jason Koontz / Panama

See more @ I just returned from almost two weeks in Panama. I took the trip as an opportunity to add travel content to my portfolio. I am a big believer in taking time for personal work, which is something that I didn’t do enough of in the previous year. Most of my time away was spent in a little fishing village called Búcaro. The people here couldn’t have been more friendly. They would wave and smile when you passed people along the street as if you had been their neighbor for the past 10 years. It being my first visit to a third world country, it really opened my eyes to the way some people live. The simplicity of their lifestyle was underwhelming at first. It appears as if they’re are missing out on so much of the world around them. And then you spend time with the […]