Facebook 1,000 Raffle Board for Kristen

A board was raffled off when 1,000 followers on the MCS Facebook Page was reached. What was mainly meant to get people watching the page turned into something much more for someone who definitely needed a little something. Kristen from Long Beach, NY was randomly chosen as the winner. We worked back and forth to narrow down what she wanted. At first, all I knew was that she desperately needed a new board to replace her waterlogged WRV she had been riding for years. Until she wrote me this…

From Kristen:

“Thanks again for this board and not to get too deep but winning this board was a light for me in a somewhat dark point in my life.

This past year for me has been a tough one, I moved back home to NY after 7 years of living in Florida taking what I thought was a dream job/ promotion in the Big Apple. Well that dream job chewed me up and spit me out and about 7 months later I quit after the stress and the rat race was starting to wear on me.

Right after I left my job, my dad died unexpectedly from lung caner. On Oct 1st we found out he had it and on Oct 11th he had passed. Shortly after that, Sandy hit, and although my family and property was fine. My town, that was my safe haven, was in despair.

Can’t wait to hit the water.”

Thanks Kristen, I can’t think of a better person to win this board. Enjoy!